The Ministry of Highways has started the third and final phase of the Saskatoon Freeway functional planning study which includes the western section of the Saskatoon Freeway between Highway 16 west and the Highway 7/Highway 60 intersection.
Phase 3 is an approximate 16.5 km long section of the Saskatoon Freeway which runs between the Highway 16 west interchange developed as part of Phase 1 design work and the Highway 7/Highway 60 intersection. The Phase 3 study will include potential interchanges for Beam Road and Claypool Road west of Neault Road (Dalmeny Road). The freeway will also include an interchange where it crosses Highway 14.
The Phase 3 functional design will be integrated with future City of Saskatoon development plans in the Blairmore Development Area and will directly benefit people living in country residential, and farm properties adjacent to the freeway route. The functional planning study builds on the work of the Saskatoon Freeway general location study – completed in 2018 – by gathering additional information such as topographic, drainage, environmental and heritage data. The study will more accurately identify land required for construction and it will allow some current temporary land restrictions to be lifted.