A second online public information session for Phase 2 of the Saskatoon Freeway Functional Planning Study is now open at this link: phase2.saskatoonfreewayvoh.ca
This information session will be open until midnight on February 27 and provides details on the preferred route and interchange configurations chosen for the Phase 2 portion of the freeway (highlighted in green below):

Visitors to the information session can share feedback through surveys and ask questions through a LiveChat staffed by project experts.
The first Phase 2 public information session was held in February 2021 and drew more than 1,000 participants. The project team considered public feedback from that February session while preparing a preferred route for Phase 2 over the summer and fall of 2021. Factors such as cost, economic benefits, social, environmental impacts, and driver travel characteristics were also evaluated in preparing a preferred route. This multiple account approach often reveals that a concept with the lowest construction cost may not ultimately result in the lowest long-term cost or deliver the best value.
When Phase 2 of the functional study is finalized, the land needed for the freeway will be identified and protected. Some temporary restrictions will be lifted. Residents and businesses along the freeway corridor will get a better understanding of where and how they may be impacted.