The Saskatoon Freeway website has been quiet over the past couple of months due to restrictions around communicating during recent provincial and municipal elections, but the functional design team has been hard at work on a range of route design options for Phase 2 of this project. We are on track to share these options […]
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Environment and Regulatory Review – Saskatoon Freeway Functional Planning Study
Initial environmental recommendations for Phase 1 released for Saskatoon Freeway An environmental study for Phase 1 of the proposed Saskatoon Freeway includes recommendations for reducing impact on wildlife and natural habitat, as well as future work that would be needed as part of the detailed design phase. The comprehensive study documents land use, soil types, […]
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We want to hear from you about the Saskatoon Freeway bridge that will cross the South Saskatchewan River. Two bridge concepts have been short-listed as part of Phase 2 of the Saskatoon Freeway Functional Planning Study. The new bridge will cross the river at the location shown below: To learn more about each bridge option […]
Continue ReadingGeotechnical engineering
There’s no way around it – the South Saskatchewan River poses challenges for many of the key players involved in the Saskatoon freeway project, including geotechnical engineers, designers and road builders. Yes, river crossings are inevitable for this project. The previously approved corridor shows the freeway running around the perimeter of Saskatoon and because the […]
Continue ReadingFocus groups generate wide discussion about environmental issues
Three recent virtual focus groups generated a wide range of questions and suggestions about environmental issues related to the Saskatoon Freeway. These focus groups came on the heels of an awareness campaign about Phase 2 of the Saskatoon Freeway that included 500 letters to impacted landowner letters, 12,000 brochures distributed to those living in proximity […]
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